Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kaspersky (KAV-KIS) 2011 + Kaspersky Key Changer, Keys & Activation Video

KASPERSKY (KAV-KIS-KP), baik yang 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 merupakan antivirus yang cukup populer karena kehandalannya dalam melindungi komputer serta fitur-fiturnya yang komplit dan menarik. Karena kehandalannya ini membuat banyak pengguna, terutama yang belum mampu membeli, berusaha untuk membuatnya menjadi FULL VERSION tanpa harus membelinya.

Di sini saya akan mencoba share kepada para sahabat blogger yang belum mengetahui bagaiman cara membuat Kaspersky

Trial menjadi Komersial (Full Version). Pada prinsipnya ada 2 cara, yang pertama dengan menggunakan "Activation Code" dan harus dilakukan secara online. Tentu saja cara ini bisa dilakukan kalau sobat sudah terlebih dahulu membeli antivirus tersebut di situs resminya. Dan cara yang kedua dengan menggunakan “Key File” dan bisa dilakukan secara offline tanpa harus terhubung ke internet. Cara ini biasa dilakukan oleh mereka yang belum mampu membeli antivirus tersebut. Yah, sebenarnya ini ilegal karena sifatnya pembajakan, tapi mau bagaimana lagi kalau memang belum mampu beneran. Iya, khan?

Nah, yang akan kita bahas di sini tentunya cara yang kedua, yaitu yang menggunakan Key File untuk membuat antivirus ini menjadi FULL VERSION. Yang perlu sobat ketahui bahwa Key File banyak tersedia di internet dan sobat bisa mendownloadnya secara gratis. 

Ada empat (3) link yang cukup populer yang bisa sobat kunjungi untuk bisa mendownload KEY Files ter-Updated, yaitu:

Ketika sobat bermaksud membuka ke-3 situs di atas, barangkali akan langsung ke-block oleh Kaspersky. Ini karena situs-situs tersebut menyediakan Keys Kaspersky gratis (ilegal). Kalau terjadi seperti ini, sobat tidak usah pusing-pusing, karena sobat bisa mensiasatinya hingga ke-3 situs di atas bisa dibuka. Caranya adalah dengan meng-unblock ke-3 situs tersebut dari Kaspersky. Perhatikan cara unblocking-nya di bawah ini:
  1. Go to Kaspersky Settings>Web Anti-Virus>Settings.
  2. Check "Do not scan HTTP traffic from trusted web address".
  3. Then click on select button and add this ""address not to check http traffic.
  4. Then you will able to surf without blocking.
  5. Or you can just disable Web Anti-Virus feature for few moment to visit the site. Then enable the feature after key file download complete.
Cara aktivasi Kaspersky 2011 dengan menggunakan KEY Files sedikit berbeda dengan Kaspersky 2010. Perbedaannya saya lihat hanya pada jenis kode aktivasi (activation code) yang sudah tidak berlaku alias Bad Code yang musti kita masukkan pada kolom “Activate commercial version”.

Kaspersky(KAV-KIS) 2010 bad code-nya: 44UEA-CYRAJ-NMAV3-YXX4V
Kaspersky(KAV-KIS) 2011 v11.0.0.232, bad code-nya: T1JVS-NNMBD-K1QTN-SUBP8
Kaspersky(KAV-KIS) 2011 v11.0.0.400, bad code-nya: 11111-11111-11111-1111X
Kaspersky(KAV-KIS) 2011 v11.0.2.556, bad code-nya : 11111-11111-11111-1111X

Setelah mendapatkan KEY files ter-update dari salah satu situs diatas, langkah selanjutnya yang musti sobat lakukan adalah membuat Kapersky (trial) milik sobat menjadi FULL VERSION (komersial) dengan menggunakan KEY File tsb.
Namun demikian, bagi yang belum mempunyai antivirus Kaspersky, baik itu Kaspersky Anti Virus (KAV) ataupun Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS), dan menginginkan antivirus ini, harus menginstalnya terlebih dahulu di kompi. Berikut ini Link Download untuk mendapatkan Installer(trial)-nya:
A. Kaspersky Anti Virus (KAV 2011) (113 MB):
B. Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS 2011) (113 MB):

2. Kaspersky Key Changer:

3. Activation Video file:

4. Kaspersky (KAV-KIS) KEY files (sampai 6 Mei 2011):

5. KasperskyInternetSecurity (KIS) 2011 (special edition):

Setelah mengunduh dan menginstal Kapersky trial (Installer) diatas, sobat bisa memanfaatkan masa trial yang diberikan oleh Kapersky selama 30 hari. Setelah masa itu (expired), tentunya sobat harus melakukan cara-cara yang akan saya berikan untuk membuat Kapersky (KAV-KIS) milik sobat bisa dipakai dalam kurun waktu yang jauh lebih lama (terus-menerus).

Complete PC & Netbook Protection

Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) 2011 has everything that you need to stay safe and secure while you're surfing the web. It provides constant protection for you and your family – whether you work, bank, shop or play online.
Stay ahead of the threats with Kaspersky Internet Security 2011!
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 stops your PC or Netbook being slowed down by cybercriminals and delivers unsurpassed on-line safety whilst protecting your files, music and photos from hackers:
Key Features and Benefits:
  • Real-time proactive protection against all Internet threats Improved! Prevents all types of known and unknown malware from infecting your computer.
  • New Safe Surf feature for unparalleled online security New! With Safe Surf you’ll never be exposed to harmful or offensive websites. Regular database updates from Kaspersky Lab means that Safe Surf will automatically block undesirable websites as they appear. Just switch it on.
  • Protection for your digital identity at all times Improved! Smart anti-phishing protection and Virtual Keyboard keep your digital identity absolutely secure when you are shopping, banking or social networking online.
  • Feature-rich and effective Parental Control Improved!The product’s advanced Parental Control features can block, limit and log applications and web access, so your children stay safe online.
  • Application Control prevents dangerous software from harming your system Improved! Each program is granted rights and access to system resources based on an automated risk-assessment using Kaspersky Lab’s in-the-cloud security database. 
  • System Watcher technology New! Cutting-edge System Watcher technology monitors and analyzes every system event to accurately detect any dangerous behavior. If a threat occurs, the user will be prompted to roll back any malicious program activity.
  • Unique Safe Run mode for apps & websites Improved! Safe Run mode lets you run suspicious applications and websites in a specially isolated environment where they cannot damage your system.
  • Special tools to treat even the most complex infections Improved!The installation CD can also be used as a bootable rescue disk to help you to restore your system should you ever need to. If you’ve downloaded your Kaspersky Lab product you can create your own Rescue CD using the program.
  • Easy-Access Desktop gadget New! Checking your PC’s protection status and quickly accessing your preferred security features and settings has never been easier!
Platform: WindowsXP / WindowsVista / Windows7

According to its official site, the price of Kaspersky Anti Virus (KAV) is $39.95 and Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) is $59.95 for 1 PC/year.

First, connect your computer with internet. Then install Kaspersky (KAV & KIS) 2009, 2010 OR 2011. After being successful in doing installation, use it for 30 days trial. But, if not, you can directly make it into FULL VERSION by the following methods. In this case, you have to disconnect from the internet.
Activating Kaspersky (KAV & KIS) 2011 v11.0.2.556
  1. Disconnect from the internet.
  2. Click On License (At The Bottom Of Kapsersky Main Window). A New window Called "License management" Will Open. (If a Key already exist, click on the 'X' button in front of it and press YES to delete the Key).
  3. Click On "Activate the application with a new License". A new window called "Kaspersky Internet Security Activation Wizard" will open.
  4. Enter this Bad Code: "11111-11111-11111-1111X" and click "NEXT", then "OK".
  5. A new option will show up when the above Activation fails.
  6. In "KEY FILE", click "BROWSE" And search for the KEY.
  7. Choose a KEY ad click NEXT.
Activating Kaspersky (KAV & KIS) 2011 v11.0.0.400
  1. Disconnect from the internet.
  2. Open Kaspersky 2011 License Manager (from lower right corner).
  3. Click 'Activate the application with a new license' button. Delete any trial key first, by clicking the red X next to the key.
  4. Disable your internet connection.
  5. Select Activate commercial version and enter the activation license code as 11111-11111-11111-1111X.
  6. Wait activation wizard message -> Click OK
  7. Wait for wrong activation code message -> Click OK 
  8. Screen will appear with KEY FILE BROWSE.
  9. Browse to the key location and activate kaspersky.
Activating Kaspersky (KAV & KIS) 2011 v11.0.0.232
  1. Disconnect from the internet.
  2. Open Kaspersky 2011 License Manager (from lower right corner).
  3. Click ‘Activate the application with a new license’ button. Delete any trial key first, by clicking the red X next to the key.
  4. Disable your internet connection.
  5. Select ‘Activate commercial version’ and enter the activation license code as T1JVS-NNMBD-K1QTN-SUBP8. 
  6. Click Next, and an error dialog box will open.
  7. Click OK and you will now get the option to activate kaspersky using a key file.
  8. Browse to the key location and activate kaspersky.
Activating Kaspersky (KAV & KIS 2009/2010)
  1. Disconnect from the internet.
  2. Click for trial version or enter one of this Bad codes:

3. Kaspersky will show you an error.
4. A new window will appear with KEY file browsing option.
5. Now Select The Our KEY and Enjoy.


Activating Kaspersky (KAV & KIS) by using Kaspersky Key Changer:
  1. Install KASPERKY (KAV-KIS 2011).
  2. When it has finished installing, open up Kaspersky.
  3. Afer that you open the program "Kaspersky Key Changer".
  4. The only thing you have to do is drag a KEY-file in the program.
  5. There is a possibility that the licenses are blacklisted, if this is the case, try other KEYS to activate, or go to the following Download Links to get the newer updated KEYS.

Kaspersky [(KAV-KIS-KP) 2010, 2011 & 2012 (10th Nov 2011)]
Kaspersky [(KAV-KIS-KP)2011 & 2012 (15th Nov 2011)]


Anonymous said...

Kalo utk kaspersky PURE gmn?

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Tunggu aja, bro! Ga pake lama og. He...

Windows 7 Blog said...

wah, makasih banyak nih sob....