Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Glary Utilities Pro v2.34.0.1190 Multilanguage + Serials

Met jumpa lagi kawan-kawan blogger semua. Pada postingan terdahulu saya pernah berbagi Glary utilities Pro v2.11.0.638. Kali ini, saya akan kembali menghadirkan software serupa, tapi tentunya dengan versi terbarunya, Glary Utilities Pro v2.34.0.1190. Untuk me-refresh kembali ingatan sobat tentang software yang satu ini, disini akan saya kutipkan kembali deskripsinya.

Glary Utilities (6.1 MB) adalah salah satu software optimalisasi sekaligus perawatan (cleanup & maintanance) komputer yang cukup handal. Software ini banyak dipakai orang karena disain & interfacenya yang cukup menarik serta kerjanya yang simple, cepat dan akurat. Software ini seperti halnya software sejenis yang sudah pernah saya posting sebelumnya (Error Report Professional v4.2.3) akan sangat bermanfaat khususnya bagi yang kurang berpengalaman (baca: pemula) di bidang per-komputeran (kayak saya, he....)

Glary Utilities mampu membersihkan sisa-sisa registry yang sudah tidak terpakai oleh komputer. Sisa-sisa registry berasal dari segala aktifitas kita di komputer, khususnya setelah uninstal berbagai program yang telah kita instal/pasang di kompi sebelumnya. Sisa-sisa registry ini jika tidak cepat kita bersihkan akan membuat kerja kompi kita menjadi berat & lambat, dan apabila sudah terlalu banyak akan menimbulkan crash (tubrukan) yang menyebabkan kompi kita sering mengalami 'hang' (berhenti dengan tiba-tiba) di saat kita tengah asyik bekerja. Repot juga, khan....?

Selain mampu membersihkan sisa-sisa registry yang tidak terpakai lagi, Glary Utilities juga mampu memperbaikinya jika ada registry yang rusak (error). Ciri-ciri kalau ada registry yang rusak di kompi Anda adalah ketika ada program di kompi yang tidak bisa berjalan sebagaimana biasanya.

Its basic scan includes a Registry Cleaner, Shortcuts Fixer, Startup Manager, Temporary Files Cleaner, Tracks Eraser (activity history and Internet traces), and a Spyware and Adware Remover. Determining how to use this utility is very easy, thanks to its clear-cut design and organization.

Dengan hanya sekali klik (one click maintanance scan), dan dengan waktu scanning yang kurang dari 5 menit, kita akan mendapati performa kompi kita kembali segar bugar seperti layaknya waktu kita baru membelinya. Yah,... kalo boleh kita ibaratkan dengan motor kita yang sudah lama kita pakai, kemudian kita tap oli-nya, maka kita akan merasakan kenikmatan yang berbeda dari sebelum kita ganti olinya. Begitu, kan...?

Di dalam ganti oli motor, kita musti melakukanya secara teratur/periodik agar motor kita awet dan selalu enak dipakai. Begitupun juga dengan perawatan komputer, perlu dilakukan juga dengan teratur (idealnya 1-2 minggu sekali). Caranya ya, pakai saja utility scanning semacam, CCleaner, Error Report Professional dan TuneUp Utilities, Advanced SystemCare Pro, dan Glary Utilities Pro

The screenshot of scanning result by using Glary Utilities Pro v2.34.0.1190
This program offers numerous powerful and easy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC.

Glary Utilities Pro (6.1 MB) is a smart and reliable application that offers numerous powerful and easy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC.

It allows you to clean common system junk files, as well as invalid registry entries and Internet traces. You can manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk space usage and find duplicate files.

You can also view and manage installed shell extensions, encrypt your files from unauthorized access and use, split large files into smaller manageable files and then rejoin them.

Furthermore, Glary Utilities Pro includes the options to optimize memory, find, fix, or remove broken Windows shortcuts, manage the programs that start at Windows startup and uninstall software. Other features include secure file deletion, an Empty Folder finder and more.

All Glary Utilities Pro tools can be accessed through an eye-pleasing and totally simplistic interface.

Here are some key features of "Glary Utilities PRO":
  • Disk Cleaner - Removes junk data from your disks and recovers disk space 
  • Registry Cleaner - Scans and cleans up your registry to improve your system's performance. 
  • Shortcuts Fixer - Corrects the errors in your startmenu & desktop shortcuts 
  • Uninstall Manager - Uninstalls programs completely that you don't need any more 
  • Startup Manager - Manages programs which run automatically on startup 
  • Memory Optimizer - Monitors and optimizes free memory in the background 
  • Context Menu Manager - Manages the context-menu entries for files, folders... 
  • Tracks Eraser - Erases all the traces,evidences,cookies,internet history and more 
  • File Shredder - Erases files permanently so that no one can recover them 
  • Internet Explorer Assistant - Manages Internet Explorer Add-ons and restores hijacked settings 
  • File Encrypter and Decrypter - Protects your files from unauthorized access and use. 
  • Disk Analysis - Shows you the disk space usage of your files and folders 
  • Duplicate Files Finder - Searches for space-wasting and error producing duplicate files 
  • Empty Folders Finder - Finds and removes empty folders in your windows 
  • File Splitter and Joiner - Splits large files into smaller manageable files, and then rejoin them. 
  • Process Manager - Monitors programs that run on your PC and stop spyware and Trojans. 
  • Windows Standard Tools - Provides direct access to the useful windows default functions.
According to its official site, Glary Utilities has only 30 days trial. And if you want to get its full version, you must buy it with the price $39.95.

You want to get its FULL VERSION? Go directly to the following two Download Links:
1. INSTALLER (6.1 MB):
2. SERIALS and README(Installation Guide).txt:
(Pswd: leechengsui.blogspot.com)

Don’t forget to firstly read its INSTALLATION GUIDE in the README.TXT file before doing installation.
ADDITION: If you want the complete file (Installer & Serial) in one folder, you may get it from the following Download Links:
Via MediaFire
Via Rapidshare


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