Monday, November 8, 2010

CorelDRAW Graphics SuiteX5 + Keygen & Serial Number

CorelDRAW Graphics SuiteX5 (577.539 MB) adalah Program grafis yang gak ada matinya and powerful abis. Sehingga banyak sekali para profesional yang bergelut di bidang desain grafis yang fanatik terhadap program grafis yang satu ini. Walaupun banyak juga sofware pengolah vektor grafis yang lainnya, namun rasanya tidak lengkap dan kurang sempurna jika tidak memakai software yang satu ini.

Di situs resminya, software yang satu ini dibanderol dengan harga $499.00 (cukup fantastis, bukan?)

Creativity and power come together in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5. With increased speed, more accurate color control, enhanced vector illustration tools and new Web capabilities, it’s a must-have for any designer. Get going quickly with new professionally designed templates and learning materials. Find graphics, fonts and images on your computer faster than ever with new Corel® CONNECT. Re-purpose and share your creations anywhere with expanded file compatibility. Then output everywhere, from Web banners and animations, to logos, custom signs and more.

* More speed with new multi-core support
* More rich content and professional templates
* More learning tools, video tutorials and expert tips
* More compatibility, with support for over 100 file formats
* More color control and consistency
* More Web capabilities, including Flash animation support
* More output options for print, Web, digital signs and more

All-in-one professional graphics suite
Find everything you need for professional graphics illustration, layout, tracing, photo editing, Web graphics and animation in one complete suite of integrated applications that is easy to learn and use.

Easy to learn and use
Start smoothly and learn quickly with built-in learning tools, valuable video tutorials, design insights from experts and a visually rich, online guidebook. (A hard cover, full-color, printed guidebook is included with the box version.)

High-value digital content
Enrich your designs with over 1,000 professional fonts, including Helvetica®, Garamond® and Frutiger® fonts for the first time ever. Plus, take advantage of high-value digital content, such as premium clipart, royalty-free photos and vehicle templates.
Precise control and easy sharing
Output to a broad variety of media, from distinctive logos and signs, to striking marketing materials, Web graphics, billboards and car wraps. Export options let you compare file formats before export, so you can optimize your settings to achieve the highest file quality.

Market-leading file compatibility
Re-purpose and share your creations anywhere with market-leading file compatibility. Import and export files quickly and easily with dozens of supported file formats, including PDF, JPG, PNG, EPS, AI, TIFF, PSD and DOCX.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5—graphic design software that brings new meaning to visual communication.

Minimum System Requirements:
- Operating system with the latest Service Pack and Critical Update: Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit edition), Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit edition), or Windows XP (all editions)
- CPU: Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 (or greater)
- RAM: 1 GB
- Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768
The Download Links are:
1. CorelDRAW Graphics SuiteX5 Trial/Installer (577.539 MB):

2. KEYGEN & README(Panduan Instalasi).txt-nya:

Jangan lupa untuk terlebih dahulu membaca PANDUAN INSTALASI-nya di file README.txt sebelum melakukan instalasi. Dan jangan lupa pula untuk mematikan sementara antivirus di kompie sobat sebelum membuka dan menjalankan file KEYGEN.
(Don't forget to firstly read its INSTALLATION GUIDE in the README.txt file before doing installation. Also don't forget to for a moment disable your antivirus before opening and running its KEYGEN file).



Anonymous said...

keygen g ada mas,
file not found

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Link tuk KEYGEN & README(Panduan Instalasi).txt udah saya perbarui, bro. Mudah-mudahan sukses!
Anyway, thanks for the info.

Batigoool said...

Mas bro...mau tanya nich, gimana sih carax klu mau uninstal ni software? udah Q coba via registryx, cc cleaner, remove program, partisi c, tp gak berhasil juga...tlng mas bro ksh solusi donk :( & klu berkenan via emailq aja mas bro thank's before

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Pengalaman saya dahulu, terpaksa saya ambil jln terakhir, brother. Install Ulang!

Batigoool said...

maaf brother...mohon dipertegas, biar gak terjadi salah paham, maksudx yg diinstal ulang tu apax?...softwarex ato pcx, q kok malah binun, coz klu softwarex...justru disitu masalahx, coreldraw gs x5 yg q sedot dari sini g mau terinstal karena coreldraw gs x5 yg dulu terinstal katax msh exis, tp klu pcx yg diinstal ulang...kayakx g mungkin, coz mau dibackup kemana data2 yg udah terinstal :( maklum g punya cadangan hardisk external

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Klo boleh tahu, klo udh pernah install X5 dan masih bisa dipakai, ngapain musti install versi yg sama, bro? Ato mungkin instalan lama dirasa ada yg g beres gitu shg musti install lagi?

Klo mengenai INUL, maksud saya, PC-nya yg diinstal ulang, brother. Pengalaman sampeyan kayaknya hampir sama dengan saya dulu. Udah saya utak-atik kesana-kemari, tetep aja gak isa. Akhirnya, ya itu tadi saya INUL aja. Yah, itung-itung sekalian upgrade OS saya gitu. Maaf, klo jawabannya tidak sesuai yg brother inginkan. Soal External HD, bisa pinjam teman dulu, khan? He...

Batigoool said...

Ceritax dulu q dah pernah instal ni g pernah q jalankan programx, maklum msh newby :) & skrng tiba2 tertarik ingin belajar...ehh njeketek programx kok ngadat alias g respon ba2r blas, trus Q berinisiatif tak uninstal & menginstal ulang yg q dpt dr kok jadix seperti ini, diuninstal g bisa diinstal ulang jg g bisa...?????

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Mungkin kalo sobat install versi dibawahnya, misalnya X3, masih bisa. Tapi kemungkinanya sih fifty-fifty tingkat keberhasilnya. Slmt mencoba, brother. Tapi klo tdk, klo sobat tdk cukup sabar, ya INUL aja dah. Atau mungkin masih bisa diusahakan tuk berguru ke orang-orang yang lebih berpengalaman terdekat sobat. Moga segera mendaptkan solusinya, brother:)

Batigoool said...

Wah gimana ni ya enakx?...mas bro kira2 ada g versi portablex yg full, klu ada please donk dishare, coz q bnr2 ngebet banget ama ni software...please ya mas bro :( thank's before

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Link Corel Draw X5 portable ini bisa dicoba, brother:

Batigoool said...

Thank's brother atas info...setelah q pkr2 q putuskan utk restore ulang mas bro, jadi corelDRAWx msh ttp pake yg dulu, cuma masalahx software mau dibuka tp knp kok nggak respon ya...diklick sana-sini hanya keluar suara dung2 mulu, tp klu q awali dr membuka dl corel connectx trs q import sesuatu ke corel x5 bar mau kerja...tuh knp mas bro, mungkin brother ada solusi utk yg satu ini...thank's n salam kenal n mhn maaf ngrepotin mulu :)

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Apakah recovery-nya benar-benar diambil sampai sblm install Corel Draw X5 yg baru?
Kemungkinan program Corelnya sdh tdk sempurna. Tapi itu hanya kemungkinan saja, krn terus-terang sy blm pernah mengalami hal spt itu, brother. Coba pake yg portable, apa masih juga mengalami hal serupa.

Batigoool said...

trm ksh brother ats fast responx :) g pp kan klu q ngrepotin lg heheehehee...gini ja brother, jika berkenan bisa g brother ksh petunjuk bagaimana step by step cara menguninstal ni software sampe bersih, sehingga q dpt menginstal yg baru yg q sedot dr blogx mas bro, mungkin ja sebelumx q ada yg slh dlm menguninstal ni software, mengenai yg portable...jjr ja q mlh g mudeng mas bro, coz keywordx pake bhs spanyol :D capek dech...oke sekian dulu mas bro, moga brother g mblenger ats komen2 Q heheehehee...thank's a lot :)