Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Folder Protector v5.55 (portable) + Key

Folder Protector (878 KB) adalah sebuah tools software yang mempunyai fungsi memproteksi (mengunci/meng-enkripsi) folder berisi file-file penting di komputer. Walaupun ukuran file-nya kecil, tapi fungsinya sangatlah besar. Cara menjalankan tools ini sangat mudah dan cepat, sobat tinggal menempatkan (copy) software ini (lockdir) di lokasi target
yang akan diproteksi (di-lock). Selanjutnya buka lockdir tsb dan isikan password yang sobat inginkan. Selesai! Dengan sekejab folder yang berisi file-file penting sobat sudah ter-enkripsi (tersembuyi dan terkunci).

Folder Protector sanggup menyembunyikan, mengunci dan atau meng-enkripsi folder apapun, termasuk flashdisk dan removable disks lainnya. Ada tiga (3) cara yang bisa sobat pilih: mengunci (lock), mengacak (scramble) dan meng-enkripsi (encrypt). Sobatpun bisa memilih tingkat kekuatan keamanan (security level) dari proteksi yang sobat inginkan; normal, high dan highest.

Firut-fitur unggulan dari Folder Protector 5.55 diantaranya sbb:
  1. Kita bisa meng-enkripsi (lock) folder jenis apapun, termasuk flashdisk dan removable hard disk. 
  2. Folder bisa di-decrypt (unlock=dikembalikan seperti semula) sama mudahnya seperti ketika kita hendak meng-enkripsi (lock=mengunci) folder. 
  3. Orang lain tidak akan bisa menghapus (delete), mengkopi (copy) ataupun melihat file di folder yang sudah kita encrypt (lock). 
  4. Flashdisk dan removable hard disk yang telah kita enkripsi bisa kita buka (decrypt) di computer (PC) lain. 
  5. Kita bisa mem-filter (memilih-milih) file di folder yang tidak akan kita proteksi dengan menempatkannya di edit box. 
  6. Dan yang terakhir, walaupun lockdir (ikon dari folder ter-enkripsi) dihapus orang lain, tapi kita bisa mengembalikan-nya seperti semula dengan sangat mudah, dengan catatan sobat masih mempunyai software tools ini (lockdir.exe = Folder Protector). Caranya: tempatkan lockdir.exe di tempat dimana folder sobat dihapus orang lain. Selanjutnya buka lockdir tsb. Isikan Password yang sama ketika sobat meng-enkripsinya. Sukses!
Folder Protector (878 KB) is a powerful and easy-to-use program for protection. The software can hide / encrypt any folder including flash disks and removable hard disks.

Using the Strong protection technology that can effectively lock / encrypt all your files. Strong Encryption: A strong industry standard 256-bit BLOWFISH Encryption is used to encrypt your files.

Here are some key features of "Folder Protector":
• You can encrypt any folders including flash disk and removable hard disk
• The folders can be decrypted just as easily after you encrypt
• You are not able to delete, copy and view any files in the encrypted folder
• The encrypted flash disk or removable hard disk can be decrypted in another PC as well

Three Methods: Lock, Scramble and Encrypt Folder. Depending on the security level you need.
On the Fly Protection: Using the Strong protection technology that can effectively lock/encrypt all your files.
Strong Encryption: A strong industry standard 256-bit BLOWFISH Encryption is used to encrypt your files.
Portability: Folders can be protected on portable devices like USB flash disk and removable hard disk.
Drive Firewall: Allows you to protect your data from virus and other bad software.
Security: Protected files are totally hidden and locked, undeletable, unmovable and totally inaccessible.

Solutions for your personal privacy

Folder Protector is a file-security program allowing the user to hide, lock, encrypt and protect files and folders in the blink of an eye. When folders are password protected and locked, their contents cannot be read, copied, modified or deleted. To access the locked folders, you must supply the correct password.

Folder Protector has advanced features such as "Security-Level", allowing the user to select the Strength. Other features of Folder Protector include: Security Level, Show Protected Signs, Password Hint, Change icon of the protected folder, File Filter system.

Folders can also be protected on portable devices like USB flash disk and removable hard disk.

Folder Protector can also be used on: Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP/2000/NT/ME/98.

Folder-Protector User's Guide:

1、How to Protect a Folder
  • Copy this software to your target location to be protected. Next, open it. 
  • Open this software and choose "Protect Another" to select another folder. 
  • Drag and drop a folder in the window and the folder will be protected.
2、How to Unprotect a Folder
  • Virtual Disk: Unprotect all files to a virtual disk. It is faster than other methods. 
  • Customize: Show a restore window after un-protection. The Folder can be restore protected easily. 
  • Complete: Completely unprotect. You need to reenter your password to protect the folder next time.
3、Advanced Settings
  • Security Level: Normal, High and Highest 
  • Show Protected Signs (A special folder Icon) 
  • Set a password hint: Set up a password hint, prevent you from forgetting your password. 
  • Change icon of the protected folder: There are many icon for your to choose. 
  • File Filter: Files with names containing characters in edit box will not be protected. Example: If you do not want to protect the mp3 files, simply add "mp3" in the edit box
Are you interested? If yes, please download the software from the Download Link below:



Anonymous said...

gak bisa kk pas mau register tetep unregistered..... solusinya gimana kk???

MbahGugel (Admin) said...

Tidak pakai register juga tidak apa-apa, dhek. jadi bisa langsung dipakai gitu.
1. Bukalah aplikasinya (lockdir).
2. Isikan password (2x).
3. Klik pada'protect', maka semua folder akan langsung ter-enkripsi.
Dan kalau ingin membukanya kembali,
1. Klik 2x pada 'lockdir'.
2. Ketika sudah terbuka, isikan passwordnya.
3. Pilih 'complete' dan isikan passwordnya. Kemudian klik pada 'unprotect', maka dengan sekejap semua folder yg tadinya ter-enkripsi akan muncul kembali seperti semula.
Kalau muncul notifikasi 'Buy now', tutup saja atau bisa juga di klik pd 'cancel'.
Good luck:)